Monday, October 15, 2007

Mi casa...

Alright, so here are a few long awaited pics of my new nica house. I've had it for about two weeks now, but haven't really had the opportunity to spend much time there yet due to being consolidated in Managua since Friday because of all the rain we are getting here. Its nothing special, but its cheap and its mine. And the best part is that it came furnished (bed, fridge, table/chairs).

View of the living room
The other side of the living room...great Enrique poster, eh!
This is my little kitchen...don't mind the mess.
And my bedroom, with my beloved mosquito net.

1 comment:

ckos said...

Hello Megan, think you for shareing your blog and your in house with me. Here in NE the weather is nice and warm now I have been working the horses everyday and riding again. Connor is learning to ride his pony Daniel and he is doing great. Daniel is in the process of sheding his long winter coat he is hald shiny black and half brown right now he looks funny. But he is a good pony and Connor loves him. Well I Loved seeing you in COsta rica and can not wait to see you brandy & alex WEDDING reseption of course !!!! I hope.